Our Experience

Three key categories

Over our combined 30 years of travel planning, most, if not all of our travel planning has fallen into one of three categories: Relaxation, Exploration, and Education

Escape the busyness life throws your way.

It's been said that we make 35,000 decisions a day. With all that stress, travel for relaxation sake is vitally important. Let us help minimize your decisions so you can truly relax and engage in fun, stressless activities. 

Our experience in planning relaxation vacations includes: Caribbean and Mediterranean Cruises, Hawaii, Florida, California, Colorado, Mountain getaways, Lake weeks, and Beach bumming.

Check off the Bucket List

Immerse yourself in diverse cultures and wander through enchanting landscapes or the beauty of foreign cities. Our desire is to help craft your dream getaway, blending cultural immersion with urban exploration. Unveil the world's hidden gems, savor local cuisines, and create lifelong memories. Your bucket list adventure starts by contacting us! 

Everyone has their dreams. Not everyone knows how to make their dreams come true. Let us help you fulfill your dreams.

Our experience in planning exploration vacations include: Over 25 European countries, major world cities (Rome, Paris, London, Athens, Venice, Amsterdam, Budapest, Prague, Berlin, Bangkok, Cairo, Istanbul, to name a few), spending a night in Sweden's IceHotel, and the personal bucket list keeps dwindling as we plan more!

Homeschooling parents making the world the school.

Books, websites, and classes can do wonders in teaching you some of the most essential facts of history and culture. But they all pale in comparison to experiencing history and cultural immersion first-hand. 

Unlock boundless learning in the world's grandest classroom! We design educational global expeditions that harness history, culture, and adventure. From WWII's impactful sites to the sacred paths of the Holy Lands and the rich tapestry of church history, we transform travel into immersive learning. Your journey becomes a lesson that resonates for a lifetime, proving that the world is, indeed, the ultimate teacher.

Our experience in planning educational trips include: WWII exploration in Germany, France, and England; Holocaust sites and memorials in Germany, Poland, Israel; Holy Land explorations with group travel; Church and World History throughout Germany, Rome, Athens, and more!